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팝업레이어 알림

팝업레이어 알림이 없습니다.
All the benefits of the world

Our company, Roum, has been expanding towards diverse fields
to exceed in delivering to you, all the benefits of the world.
We promise to continue to grow to present beneficial lifestyles
to everyone, anywhere.

Our Business

These are Roum’s main fields.


Introducing Roum’s products.

01 Golden Premium Golden Premium Golden Premium

100% Arabica golden premium coffee beans, rich and well balanced taste roasted using Roum’s unique blending technique.

02 Roum Dripbag Coffee Roum Dripbag Coffee Roum Dripbag Coffee

Convenient way of enjoying luxurious drip coffee with a drip bag style (4 Special coffee beans including Premium blend)

03 Vitamin Roum Shower Filter Vitamin Roum
Shower Filter
Vitamin Roum Shower Filter

Vitamin shower filters are beyond comparison, made with 98% edible ingredients excluding fragrances and preservatives.

04 Roum Diffuser Roum Diffuser Roum Diffuser

Luxurious diffusers that make spaces fragrant with Roum’s signature fragrances and can be used as interior decoration.

Roum & People

Meet our leading employees with factory information.


Roum has been expanding towards diverse fields with the motto “All the benefits of the world”. We are striving to exceed this and be a beneficial company for everyone, anywhere by providing a beneficial lifestyle.

Main Factory

58-6 Gwahakdanji-ro,
Gangneung city, Kangwon-Do
  • TEL : 033)645-7081
  • FAX : 033)643-1588
  • E-mail :
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Second FactoryGyeonggi Factory

Unit 128, Ujeongstartbay 1Fl,
Ssangbong-ro, Ujeong eup,
Hwaseong city, Gyeonggi-Do
  • TEL : 033)645-7081
  • FAX : 033)643-1588
  • E-mail :
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